White board
• Easy to draw and create animation
• Smooth transitions makes it flow and look good
• Very flexible - you can foo almost anything.
• Can be very time consuming
• Can be frustrating if you accidentally rub out
something and have to start over
• Can be hard to create lighting that looks good, the
white board reflects lighting
This technique could be
used for our animation, however it would be hard to create due it being easy to
accidentally rub out, also its hard to keep the whiteboard straight and in the
The picture above shows our simple scene, and how the
tree grew out the ground and the sun started to appear. From this research i think it is a bad idea to make our animation through whiteboard drawings. This is mainly due to the time factor and how it takes way too long to actually do anything. Also one of the major setbacks would be the lighting issue, where because it is a shiny surface it will reflect the light back into the camera lense and as a result obscure the vision of the camwera. Finaly it is very easy to mess up if you lean on the wrong bit of it, or if you accidentally rub off some of the drawing.
People +
• Easy to create animation due you being the moving
• Very flexible - you can do anything
• You can use a variety of materials
• Depending on the animation your doing it can be very
time consuming
• Lighting can be hard to control
One of the better
techniques to use due to it being easy to find a place to film, however can be
very time consuming and hard to find props.
The pictures above show how we done a very simple
animation of someones hand moving up and down while open and closing. From this I have decided to refrain from using People and Objects as our method of animation, this is due to the fact that it requires a single person to have a huge amount of patience and control over himself. So it would be both very difficult to ensure that the person stays still and that he/she remains focused enough for a long enough time. However it is still quite an easy method providing you are doing it very quickly and the animation itself is short.
• Can create whatever shape you want
• Flexible, easy to create a simple animation and still
look good
• Cheap to use
• Can be time consuming when trying to make people or
• Changing movements of the objects or people can be
• Getting the clay people to stand up can be hard.
I like using technique, its
fun to use, and easy to make objects houses and buildings ect. The only problem
about it is it can get quite messy, it tends to stick to tables and leave a
greasy layer where it has been stuck.
The pictures above show our simple animation
using clay, we formed a ball of clay moved it to the centre of the frame and
crushed it. Although clay is one of the most popular forms of animation, i feel that it is not the right type for our idea, and a 3D representation of it will be both incredibly difficult and somewhat unnecessary. This is also one of the most time consuming forms of animation and would take a tremendous amount of focus and patience to achieve this properly. Also from a technical point of view it is actually very difficuly to ensure the lighting is good enough for the clay, because of the fact that it is fully 3D, rather than 2D like card cut outs, it can often be difficult to get light in all of the right places, and some things can be much darker than others.
• Easy to construct houses
• people are already built so there is no hassle making
• easy to construct objects ect.
• Can be very time consuming
• Cant make everything, you may have to use other
• Transitions can sometimes but un-smooth, you may have
to take more time to ensure smooth transitions
One of the easiest
techniques, can be very easy to create a simple animation as its easy to move
the lego people and change the scene.
The picture above shows us
moving the horse from one side of the frame to the other, it was easy due to
the objects already been made and easily stuck to the scenery. This form of animation is one of the easiest and is one of our two selections. From our research it is clear that this would be easy to keep things consistant due to the way lego works, with the little holes on the peoples feet so they dont fall over, we could easily move characters around without the risk of making them have too big of a jump. The main reason I wouldnt want to use this technique will be the lack of materials, not having a wide enough variety can be detramentle because you will be limited in what you can do.
Paper Cut-outs:
• Smooth animation
• Can make anything you want
• You can show any animation using separate cut outs
• Can be very time consuming
• You have to colour in the cut outs
• When using duplicate cut outs they have to be
This is my least favourite
technique, it can be very time consuming and hard to produce identical cut
outs. Also it can be very hard to make a long animation, you would have to
change the facial expressions every frame.
The picture above shows our
simple paper cut outs, it only took seconds to create these ones because we
didn't add any detail or additional objects. it an easy technique for simple
things like this but very hard for complex ideas. I have decided that this is the best option for our idea due to the very smooth nature of paper cut outs. Using these is both easy and much less time consuming than clay or people/objects. Also because they are paper cut outs we can do almost anything with them, only our imagination being the limit. Although there are lots of pros with this form of animation it will still be difficult in the fact that it is just as tempremental and really does take an aweful amount of focus.