Accuracy: The accuracy of our filming is almost always all live footage, we didn't use any archive footage within our documentary. We filmed every bit of it ourselves, therefore making it more accurate to our theme. We tried to make everything as real as possible, having nothing scripted (apart from the voice overs) or rehearsed. However, after producing the entire documentary we found that some of the voice overs did not fit the theme of our documentary, we thought they were too comedic rather than serious. So we re recorded them and found that a more serious approach was much more accurate to the theme.
Balance: Having balance in a Documentary is imperative, if it is a serious piece, then the humour needs to be much less. Which is what ours was like, we decided to make our documentary serious, so to balance this we reduced the amount of humour we would have normally used, and increased the level of seriousness. Although this is the case some parts of the documentary actually came across funny, this was because of certain aspects such as, Sami and Harry's reactions to their given tasks, and them whilst completing it. Despite the fact that these came across funny the overall feel behind it brought it down on a more serious level.
Impartiality/ Bias: This is where something is going in favour of what the producer thinks, wants, or believes by claiming they're not biased when they really are. The bias within a documentary could be to do with views that are portrayed by the film maker. If the documentary is based on a subject that could have controversial views then it is important that the film maker is fair and balanced with his ideas. In our documentary we made sure that none of our personal views were implemented, meaning that it is bias free.
Objectivity: The objectivity of our documentary is finding out how two people react to a situation they may not be comfortable with. Sami being asked to join in with the Rugby Academy circuit training session and Harry joining in with a RAPA (Ravens Wood Academy of Performing Arts) dance session. Both very different in content, and challenging for each of the subjects.
Subjectivity: Both of the film makers for this documentary are in RAPA, so it would be unfair if they were to sway towards that in favour. Within the interview we made sure we didn't take favour to the member who's is in RAPA, instead we spoke to both of the subjects as if not knowing them, even know we did. Also as the film makers we knew the subjects quite well, and in real life we are good friends, but we couldn't let this effect the content, so again we distanced ourselves on a professional level to cut this out.
Representation: We were trying to represent both academies, Rugby and Performing arts, and how they are not that different and they can in fact mix what they do. Unfortunately this could not be properly represented because Sami was unable to complete the circuit training with ease, thus making him seem weaker than those in the Rugby Academy. However, Harry exceeded quite well within the dance side of it. So it was a balanced result.
Balance: Having balance in a Documentary is imperative, if it is a serious piece, then the humour needs to be much less. Which is what ours was like, we decided to make our documentary serious, so to balance this we reduced the amount of humour we would have normally used, and increased the level of seriousness. Although this is the case some parts of the documentary actually came across funny, this was because of certain aspects such as, Sami and Harry's reactions to their given tasks, and them whilst completing it. Despite the fact that these came across funny the overall feel behind it brought it down on a more serious level.
Impartiality/ Bias: This is where something is going in favour of what the producer thinks, wants, or believes by claiming they're not biased when they really are. The bias within a documentary could be to do with views that are portrayed by the film maker. If the documentary is based on a subject that could have controversial views then it is important that the film maker is fair and balanced with his ideas. In our documentary we made sure that none of our personal views were implemented, meaning that it is bias free.
Objectivity: The objectivity of our documentary is finding out how two people react to a situation they may not be comfortable with. Sami being asked to join in with the Rugby Academy circuit training session and Harry joining in with a RAPA (Ravens Wood Academy of Performing Arts) dance session. Both very different in content, and challenging for each of the subjects.
Subjectivity: Both of the film makers for this documentary are in RAPA, so it would be unfair if they were to sway towards that in favour. Within the interview we made sure we didn't take favour to the member who's is in RAPA, instead we spoke to both of the subjects as if not knowing them, even know we did. Also as the film makers we knew the subjects quite well, and in real life we are good friends, but we couldn't let this effect the content, so again we distanced ourselves on a professional level to cut this out.
Representation: We were trying to represent both academies, Rugby and Performing arts, and how they are not that different and they can in fact mix what they do. Unfortunately this could not be properly represented because Sami was unable to complete the circuit training with ease, thus making him seem weaker than those in the Rugby Academy. However, Harry exceeded quite well within the dance side of it. So it was a balanced result.
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